Page 144 - Pure Life 07
P. 144

92  / ( PURE LIFE, Vol.3.No.7, (Safar Al-Muzaffar 1438. Azar 1395. November 2016)

                     The historians, in turn, lost credibility and ultimately
                  earned  themselves  the  same  eventual  “quagmires  in
                  which the supporters of Yazid wallow.”
                     The efforts to keep alive the truth of the Day of
                  Ashura and the message of Imam Hussain can be
                  most importantly and foremost, attributed to Lady
                  Zainab, the sister of Imam Hussain. As stated, one
                  does not always realize the making of history in the
                  moment.  During  her  speech  in  Damascus,  many
                  had simply watered down her words to a “mournful
                  and  bereaved  woman  whose  sentiments  had  been
                  aroused...and would be forgotten by history."
                     The  mourning  of  Imam  Hussain,  his  teachings,
                  his  message,  have  all  been  kept  alive  by  Lady
                  Zainab.  Whereas  Imam  Hussain  planted  the  seed,
                  Zainab gardened the tree of love for Imam Hussain,
                  which has continued to spread its roots in millions
                  of hearts throughout history.
                     Dr. Ayati claims that it was “necessary...for the
                  sake of the true religion of Islam and for the Holy
                  Qur’an,  [that]  women  [became]  captives  and  as  a
                  consequence…  address  the  people  in  the  bazaars
                  and  streets,  so  as  to  nullify  the  unjustified
                  propaganda  of  the  enemy  and  to  make  the  reality
                  known to the people.”

                  1.  Shams  Ad-Din  Al-Amili,
                  2.    Ayati,
                  3. Ibid.
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