Page 132 - Pure Life 08
P. 132

184  / ( PURE LIFE, Vol.3.No.8, (Jumada al-Thani 1438. Isfand 1395. March. 2017)

                     In brief, the following table would express some
                  bases which form the findings of the article:
                       ِميحرلا        ِنمح رلا         ِللها         )ِمسا( ـب
                     Special     Comprehensiv    The One who      to make a
                     mercy          e mercy        deserves       connection
                                                   worship        with God
                       َنيملاعلا        ِّبر          ِلله            ُ دمحلا

                     God is       Who creates    Purification    All kind of
                    universal    and takes care   of praise     thankfulness
                                                      ِميحرلا        ِنمح رلا
                                       -            grace           mercy
                                       ِ نيدلا         ِ موي          ِ كلام

                                 payment/rew      Hereafter     authority/own
                                  ard/penalty                       ership
                       ُنيعتسن         َ كايإو         ُ دبعن         َكايإ

                   Show need      meditation      devotion        sincerity
                       َميقتسملا      َ طارِّصلا      ان              اندهِ ا

                  perseverance     direction/    community        Guidance
                                  destination                      kindly
                       َت           مهيلع   َ تمعنأ     َ نيذلا       َ طارِص
                     by God        Blessings     bad models       Following
                                  over them                         path
                                     ِبوضغملا     مهيلع ِبوضغملا       ِريَغ
                                 by unknown       Show no       Avoidance/ex
                        -                           mercy          ception

                                                                    َ نيلاَّضل  ََو
                                                                         ل ا ا
                                                                 wrong path
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