Page 163 - Pure Life 08
P. 163


                     153  Purification of Soul in Islamic Religious Rources

                     Don't reveal: It means the consequences will not
                  be there if you don't show it and heal it within you
                  before opening it to others.
                     The prophet:

                           If you had jealousy, do not reveal it.
                   (Means it will not leave you by revealing it, pure it
                                      within (yourself)

                     Choose  friends  wisely:  Jealousy  of  others  will
                  affect  us,  soul  illness  will  infect  others  just  like
                  some physical sicknesses, so for not having or not
                  increasing  these  and  we  must  choose  friends
                  wisely, by choosing pious friend we can secure our
                  self in a better way.
                     Asking God for help: He can change hearts for
                  sure, by praying and asking for help from him, who
                  is the most powerful, the most kind, we will find
                  our way toward righteous path.

                  And those who come after them say: Our Lord! forgive us and
                    those of our brethren who had precedence of us in faith, and
                    do not allow any spite to remain in our hearts towards those
                     who believe, our Lord! surely Thou art Kind, Merciful.

                  1. Ibne sha'abe harrani, Tohfat ul Uqool, P. 50.
                  2. Surah  Hashr, Verse 10.
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