Page 159 - Pure Life 08
P. 159

157  Purification of Soul in Islamic Religious Rources


                   And He gives you of all that you ask Him, and if you count
                    Allah's favors, you will not be able to number them, most
                           surely man is very unjust, very ungrateful.

                    The blessings that all humans have, are always more than
                   what they only think they don't have, (the others who have
                    it might have problems cause of it whether here or there
                    which we don't know) and if they start thinking of it, will
                             feel grateful and thankful not jealous.

                  We get simple fact from this verse:
                     He  gave  you  all  you  asked,  in  the  reality  we
                  don't get what all we want, it means 1.
                     All you needed to become successful in the life
                  journey is given to you, or 2.
                     whatever  you  ask  is  heard  for  sure,  in  better
                  words,  he  gives  you  the  best  things,  which  is
                  sometimes what you wish and sometimes it's not.
                     We are never able to count all what is given to
                  us, all blessings are uncountable, we can thank him
                  to  increase  the  blessings,  and  it  will  remove
                  jealousy too.

                   And when your Lord made it known: If you are grateful, I
                  would certainly give to you more, and if you are ungrateful,
                                My chastisement is truly severe

                  1. Surah  Ebrahim, Verse 34.
                  2. Ibid, Verse 7.
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