Page 168 - Pure Life 08
P. 168


                    148  PURE LIFE, Vol.3.No.8, (Jumada al-Thani 1438. Isfand 1395. March. 2017)

                     Imam Sadiq    (as)  says:
                      “The Prophet wiped the dish of the food and said:
                    ‘Anyone who does this, his action is like he has given
                          charity to the size of the dish of his food”.
                      6.  According  to  view  of  Holy  Prophet  angels
                         pray for the abundance of sustenance for the
                         one who finishes his food.
                     Allah says in Holy Quran:

                      “And when your Lord made it known: If you are
                   grateful, I would certainly give to you more, and if you
                      are ungrateful, My chastisement is truly severe”.
                     It  is  clear  if  we  are  thankful  to  him,  he  will
                  surely enhance his blessing towards us. It is act of
                  gratefulness to finish your food, to avoid waste to
                  show kind of thankfulness to God.
                      7.  Prophet  used  to  be  careful  with  hygiene  of
                         the food, the container where food or drink is
                         as matter of health and hygiene.
                      8.  Prophet  used  to  eat/drink  in  plate/glass
                         which were cleaner and which were easier to
                      9.  Prophet used to drink in palm of his hands.
                     Prophet said:
                     “There is no dish cleaner than the palm of hands”.

                  1. Al-Kulayni, Ibid , Vol. 6, P. 297, No. 4; Al-Barqi, Ibid, Vol. 2,
                  P. 443, No. 318; Al- Hurr Al-Ameli, 1429, Vol. 16, P. 496, No. 1.
                  2. Surah Ibrahim, Verse 7.
                  3. Al-Tabarsi, 1932, P. 31.
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