Page 297 - Pure Life 15
P. 297
Promoting Islam in Cyberspace Based on
Modern Islamic Thoughts of Syeikh
Muhammad Abduh (Indonesian Perspective)
Authors: Jeanne Francoise (Indonesia) , Wayan Midhio (Indonesia) ,
Triyoga Budi Prasetyo (Indonesia)
Reccive: 13/05/2017 Accept: 05/08/2017
This paper, that will be presented in the First International
Conference of Capacity and Impact of Cyberspace in
Promoting Religious Education, October 19-20, 2017 in Al-
Mustafa Open University, Iran, has an hypotesis that Islam
is the great religion that could give the solid foundation for
human being among modernism ideas and to describe the
local wisdom that is always giving a good benefit to the
moslem life and their surroundings in the digital or Internet
time. This view had been analyzed on the ideas of Syeikh
Muhammad Abduh, a great muslim scholar, revolutionary
fatwa maker and also a great ulama in Egypt. To analyze his
ideas and local wisdom, this paper use qualitative method
with the combination of sources from academic journals,
books and news about how moslem people nowadays can
absorb the highlight ideas of Islam and local wisdom based
on Abduh’s thougts. On the analysis part, this paper will
write the short biography and the ideas of Abduh, especially
his concept of “one ummah”, the definition of local wisdom
based on Al-Quran and Hadist and the concept of modernism
related to current islamic fatwa concerning local wisdom.
1. Lecturer of Indonesia Defense University (IDU), Jakarta, Indonesia,
2. Indonesia Defense University (IDU), Jakarta, Indonesia,
3. Indonesia Defense University (IDU), Jakarta, Indonesia,