Page 310 - Pure Life 15
P. 310
284 / ( PURE LIFE, Vol.5. No.15, (Rabi' al-Thani 1440. Azar 1397. December 2018)
It describes, compares, interprets and explains
religion, emphasizing systematic, historically based
and cross-cultural perspectives (Chidi et al, 2014).
With the scholarly and historical analyses of the
Bible during 19 century, however, the concept of
religious education got emerged. First it was known as
“Comparative Religion” or the “Science of Religion”
but now came to be known as “History of Religion”.
Role of ICT in Promotion of Religious Education (RE)
Undoubtedly, Information and communication
technology (ICT) is an indispensable part of the
modern world. “If one is not informed, the person will
be deformed”—general aphorism recognizes immense
significance of ICT today, because man cannot
(necessarily) do without information which is got
through communication and enhanced with the
scientific technologies available. The field of
education (Including Religious Education) has not
been unaffected by the penetrating influence of
information and communication technology (ICT).
Through the use of ICTs, the whole experiences of
teaching and learning have been given a fresh and
appreciable dimension.
Education now knows no limitations. Undoubtedly,
ICT has impacted on the quality and quantity of
teaching, learning and research in traditional and
distance education institutions. Teaching and learning
tools are now easier and readily available to both
teachers and students all over the globe.