Page 313 - Pure Life 15
P. 313

Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Promotion of Religious /281

                  From  there,  the  significance,  nature  and  scope  of
               ICT  in  religious  education  system,  its  advantages,
               flaws  and  prospects,  turn  academicians,  IT  experts

               and  religious  leaders  to  debate  for  enumerating  the
               role of ICT in promotion of religious education.
                  Infact,  in  the  contemporary  global  world,  ICT  is
               considered as an emerging tool for the dissemination
               of  religious  education  without  meeting  anyone  and
               travelling to anywhere. The present study focuses on
               the  concept  of  ICT  and  its  role,  advantages  and
               disadvantages in the promotion of religious education.

               Concept of ICT
               The  term  ICT  might  still  be  strange  to  some,
               confusing  to  many  and  also  misunderstood  by  great
               number  of  people.  However  ICT  is  taken  to  be  the
               highest breakthrough in educational technology since
               the invention of the blackboard.
                  It  is  an  acronym  for  Information  Communication
               Technology.  According  to  Prof  G.  B.  Harrison,
               technology is the process of using scientific materials
               and human resources in order to meet human need or
               purpose. Information on its own side is that which can
               be communicated and understood.
                  Therefore information Technology (IT) which is the
               same  with  Information  Communication  Technology
               can be defined as the use of Information in order to
               meet human need or purpose with reference to the use
               of  contemporary  devices  such  as  the  internet,  etc
               (Harrison, 2000).
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