Page 227 - Pure Life 19
P. 227

                   237  PURE LIFE, Vol. 6, No.19 (Rabi' al-Thani 1441. Azar 1398. December 2019)

                   -  The  term  “yalid”  means  to  bear  a  child  as  his

                      mother, while the Enligh verb “beget” means to
                      become  the  father  of  a  child,  which  is  more
                      sutible  aquialent  for  He,  as  God.  Besides,  the
                      word “begotten” used in the original Greek of the
                      New Testament. John 3:16 teaches that Jesus is
                      God's "only begotten Son" (King James Version).

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                                         ( 4 )      دحأ     اوفک      هل      نکی     ملو
                               “andthere is one Equalto Him”

                   -  This  vers  seems  to  explain  the  previous  verse.
                      When  Imam  Husain  (a.s)  was  asked  about  the
                      meaning  of  “samad”,  he  said:  “The  following
                      verse  is  explaning  the  meaning  of  it.  He  is
                      Samad; nither begot, nor begotten and no one is
                      equal for Him” Taht’s why we didn’t capitalise
                      the word “and” at the beginning of the verse.
                   -  The  term  “kufw”  originally  means  “similar  in
                      size, number, amount, value, etc”, then, it is used
                      for any similarity. Considering this meaning that
                      He  is  unique  in  every  aspect,  this  verse  is  the
                      best explanation to word “Ahad” at the first verse.
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