Page 229 - Pure Life 19
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                   235  PURE LIFE, Vol. 6, No.19 (Rabi' al-Thani 1441. Azar 1398. December 2019)

                       Beauty and Glory, are often used for other than Him.

                   -  The term “ahad” is derived from the root “w-h-
                      d”,  and  some  believe  that  “ahad”  and  “wahid”
                      are the same in many cases. “Ahad” means “the
                      One”; He Who has always been one and alone;
                      or He Who has no second. In this verse “ahad”
                      is a substitute for Allah, that God is Allah, i.e.
                      One;  One  in  the  sense  of  Absolute  Oneness  of
                      Allah,  not  in  the  numerical  sense  of  the  word,
                      which  has  its  second  and  third,  but,  the  One
                      which has no second, therefore, it’s better to be
                      saied  “unique”  or  “alon”.  But  it’s  a  littel
                      exegetical  and  far  from  the  surfacial  meaning.
                      Moreover,  most  of  Quran’s  translators  have
                      prefered the word “One” instead.

                                           ُ  َ َّ  ُ  َّ
                                       2 )    ( دمصلا هللا

                              2. “Allah, the Intended Lord”

                   - The  literal  meaning  of  “Samad”  is  a  lord,  all
                      people are heading toward him. (See: Raghib for
                      Qur’anic Vocabulary)

                   -  Of course some others have said “samad” means
                      “independent  of  anyone”,  “All  perfect”,
                      “”Eternal”, “Indipendent”, “Who is besought by
                      all”,  “The  Everlasting  Sovereign”  and  etc.  No
                      mention,  that  most  of  them  is  not  surfacial
                      meaning, but exegetical meaning. According to
                      the narations the term “samad” has such a vast
                      meaning that we cannot mention them completely,
                      The word “Rahim” refers to that Specific Mercy
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