Page 109 - Pure Life 23
P. 109

108  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 107-140, Summer 2020


                                    CONCLUSION:  Based  on  findings  of  the  article  and
                                    comparable tables, the preferred translation for Chapter
                                    Al-Falaq is as following:
                                    In the name of Allah, the All- merciful, the Gracious.
                                    1. Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak.
                                    2. and from the evil of whatever He has created.
                                    3. and from the darkness when it falls.
                                    4. and from those who blow in the knots.
                                    5. and from the envier when he envies.
                                    In  conclusion  according  to  preferred  translation  above
                                    and its analogy with Google Translate suggested words
                                    it  seems  that  Google  translate  is  yet  to  be  a  perfect
                                    machine capable of giving the suitable translations and
                                    a  translator  with  a  reasonable  sense  of  distinction
                                    between  similar  conditions  and  parts  of speech  cannot
                                    yet be replaced by a translation machine with no senses.

              * Corresponding Author:
              Email:                         Article Address Published on the Journal Site:
              ORCID: 0000-0001-8894-4185

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