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International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 13-21, Serial Number 3, Summer 2020


            Capacities of Cyberspace for Religious Education

            Dr. Abbasali Barati*

                    * Assistant Professor in Department of Theology, Faculty of Islamic Studies,
                    al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran

              ARTICLE INFO            Abstract

              Article History:      SUBJECT  AND  OBJECTIVES:  Regarding  the
              Received 07 February 2020   functions  of  the  religion  in  contemporary  world,  the
              Revised 09 July 2020   cyberspace can play a decisive role in teaching, research
              Accepted 12 August 2020
                                    and call for the religion.
              Key Words:            METHOD AND FINDING: Also in regard of practice
              Religious Education   of  the  religion    and  serving  the  humanity,  this
              Cyberspace            technology could be utilized and used as a very helpful
              Capacities            instrument,  but  it  depends  on  how  to  understand  the
                                    religion and how to implement it. Ethics and Etiquette is
              10.22034/IMJPL.2020.358   needed for usage of this instrument.
                                    CONCLUSION:  While  we  find  that  some  of  the
              DOR:                  extremists  and  terrorists  are  using  it  against  the
              20.1001.1.26767610.2020.   humanity  and  even  against  the  fame  and  image  of  the
                                    religion, this makes a duty for the higher experts in the

                                    field  of  the  ICT  and  cyberspace  and  also  religious
                                    leaders to protect the younger generation and the future

                                    of the mankind.

              * Corresponding Author:
              Email:                         Article Address Published on the Journal Site:
              ORCID: 0000-0002-4917-2677

                    NUMBER OF                NUMBER OF             NATIONALITY OF
                    REFERENCES                AUTHORS                  AUTHORS
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