Page 17 - Pure Life 23
P. 17
16 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 13-21, Summer 2020
stakeholders (parties, lawyers, know that our world is turning
judges, court administrators, to the e-learning in a
etc). (http://www.academic- tremendous way. It is supposed to change 85%
o0f the learning and training to
Cyberspace and Humanism virtual and electronic leaning in
One of the most important coming decades.
Goald of the religion after - What will a classroom
Justice is Philanthropy nad look like in fifty years?
humanitarianism,Quran depicts
this one the second goal of the Hundreds of years ago, no
religion. (Holy Quran, 16: 90) one could have possibly
In this fild also cyberspace imagined some of the exciting,
can help to find the needy effective learning technologies
people and people in we have today.
disasterous situations and help In just the last few decades,
the quickly. there have been dramatic
technological advances that are
Aids for the Relatives and changing the nature of the
Kin People classroom, how students learn,
The religion considers helping and how teachers teach.
and relief for the kin people the Resources are more readily
third goal for the religion and the accessible and content is more
important commandment of engaging than ever before. In
Allah. (Holy Quran, 16: 90) this blog post, I outline four of
Seeking Knowledge the most popular elearning
Another important duty in a trends of 2014 (including
religion like Islam is to MOOCs, mlearning, virtual
increase the knowledge of the reality technology, and
individuals and collectives gamification) that could lay a
continuously, (Holy Quran, 20: foundation for the future state
114) and the cyberspace is the of schools, as well as speculate
best vessel and media for the what classrooms, learning
access to the knowlege in a platforms, and teacher roles
rapid and certain way and we might be like in the future.