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Capacities of Cyberspace… A. Barati  / 17

               (       told to be the finest and the the
               elearning-future-what-will-           highest  amongst the religions.
               elearning-look-like-2075)             (Bokhari, Sahih, Adab, 273; Al-
                                                     Hakim, Mostadrak, 4187)
               To Know God                              We know that the exchange
               The  essential  belief  and  creed    of  knowledge  can  increase  the
               in    the   religion    specially     level  of  Ethics  and  Ethiquette
               Abrahamic  religions    is  to        amongst  the  users  and  make
               know and believe in God.              them  world  citizens  with  a
                  The  cyberspace  can  help  to     better quality.
               know God be making the latest            For  this  purpose  even  a
               nad  newst  discoveries  and          branch     of   knowledge      is
               inventions  available  for  the       established  in  called  Syber
               users  to  help  them  become         ethics.    (Computer       Ethics
               familiar with order and wisdom        Institute, 1992)

               in the creation of the world and         The Ten Commandments of
               even to know that this world is       Computer  Ethics  (PDF).  (Ibid,
               not  selfdependant  on  none-         Retrieved 2008-05-01)

               dependant  but  it  is  based  and       Cyberethics is the philosophic
               designed on the best order and        study  of  ethics  pertaining  to
               technology  possible,  then  the      computers,  encompassing  user
               planer and manufacturer of the        behavior  and  what  computers
               world  which  we  call  him  God      are programmed to do, and how
               for  sure  and  scientifically        this  affects  individuals  and
               approved  is  a  high  tech           society.
               architect and engineer.                  For       years,      various
                  Then  all  of  the  other          governments      have    enacted
               religious beliefs are constracted     regulations while organizations
               and based on this belief.             have  defined  policies  about

               Ethics and Ethiquette                 cyberethics.      (International
               This  is  another  important  and     Journal  of  Cyber  Ethics  in
               even the most impotant part of        Education               (IJCEE),

               the religion which is visible for
               the  people  and  in  Islam  iT  is
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