Page 15 - Pure Life 23
P. 15
14 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 13-21, Summer 2020
Introduction is exchanged by the
Your capacity for something is Cyberspace in the field of
your ability to do it, or the personal communication and even
amount of it that you are able in media and mass communication.
to do (collinsdictionary).
What is Religious Education
What do we Mean by or Instruction?
Cyberspace? In secular usage, religious
Cyberspace Theory in all education is the teaching of a
nomination means all of the particular religion (although in
things which are related to the England the term religious
computer and Internet. instruction would refer to the
The word “cyberspace” is teaching of a particular religion,
credited to William Gibson, with religious education referring
who used it in his book, to teaching about religions in
Neuromancer, written in 1984. general) and its varied aspects: Its
Gibson defines cyberspace beliefs, doctrines, rituals,
as a consensual hallucination customs, rites, and personal roles.
experienced daily by billions of In Western and secular
legitimate operators, in every culture, religious education
nation, by children being taught implies a type of education
mathematical concepts. which is largely separate from
A graphical representation academia, and which (generally)
of data abstracted from the regards religious belief as a
banks of every computer in the fundamental tenet and operating
human system. Unthinkable modality, as well as a
complexity. Lines of light ranged prerequisite for attendance
in the non-space of the mind, (collinsdictionary).
clusters and constellations of data.
(Berkley Publishing Group,
1989: 128)
Today in the world a great
amount of data and information