Page 76 - Pure Life 23
P. 76

The Role of States… H. Aziz  / 75
               decades of expertise, which they             learning  are  transmitted  –
               embody  and  the  high  cost  of             pedagogy.
               their replication.                        •  Intelligent   technologies,
                  Technology  can  somewhat                 which embody knowledge
               mitigate the gaps left by retiring           of  world-class  teaching
               teachers.                                    and learning.
                  One of the major problems is           •  The  delivery  of  system
               the one of ‘burnout’ of teachers             change for positive impact
               mainly  because  of  negative                on all learners.
               stress and workload.                      •  The safety and security of
                  Technology  caters  for  self-            the CST universe by both
               organised  groups  not  only  for            states    and     religious
               learners  but  also  for  teachers           organizations.
               even  in  slums  and  rural  areas
               around a single computer.                Religious  organisations  should
                  This can be extended globally      fulfil  the  primary  purpose  of
               through     Cloud      computing      religions,  i.e.,  to  shift  human
               around a particular subject.          minds optimally from the physical
                  Open  learner  models  can  be     to the spiritual realm in a world in
               developed  for  learners  and         which materialism holds sway.
               teachers.                                Spirituality is the natural realm
                  The  ongoing  professional         of ideas, cognition, sensory inputs,
               development  entails  teacher         emotions, perceptions, and beliefs.
               expertise  and  retention  and           It  is  culture-specific  and
               respite    for   acute    teacher     interpenetrated  in  the  cortico-
               shortages.                            thalamic processes of the brain.
                                                        It  embraces  diversity  of
               Conclusion                            cultures, religions, and languages.
               In the primary interests of learners
               there    needs     to    be    an
               interpenetration of:
                   •  The scientific development
                      of  how  teaching  and
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