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A Historical Inquiry … H. Andisheh and M.R. Payvandi / 103

               Conclusion                            List of References

               During  the  life  of  the  Holy          1.  Ameli,   Syed    Mohsen
               Prophet, there were no religious             Amin  (1960).  Shiites  in
               differences among the Muslim                 their  Historical  Path.
               Ummah;  however,  after  his                 Qom:  Encyclopedia  of
               death  and  from  the  very  first           Islamic Jurisprudence.
               day,  the  dispute  over  the             2.  Ash'ari, Abu al-Ḥasan Ali
               caliphate and Imamate divided                ibn  Ismail (1980).  Maghalat
               the  Muslim  ummah  into  two                al-Eslamiyin  wa  Ekhtelaf
               branches, Shiites and Sunnis.                al-Mosallin. Translated by
                  Therefore,  the  vacuum  of               Mohsen Moayedi. Wiesbaden:
               authority  and  belief  leader               Franz Steiner Publications.
               accepted by all Muslims is the            3.  Baghdadi, Abdul-Qahir ibn
                                                            Tahir (1948). Al-Farq bayn
               first reason for the differences             al-Firaq. Tehran: Haghighat
               and  the  emergence  of  various             Bookstore.
               senominations,  including  the            4.  Al-Beiruti al-Shafi'i, Mohammad
               Rafiḍis, and the origin of it.               ibn Darvish (1957). Asna
                                                            al-Matalib  fi  Ahadits
                                                            Muhtalifah  al-Maratib.
                                                            Beirut: Dar al Kotob al Ilmiyah.
                                                         5.  Bustani,  Fouad  Afram
                                                            (1997).  Arabic-Persian
                                                            Dictionary  (Translated
                                                            of “Al-Monjid”). Translated
                                                            by Ridha Mahyar. Edition 2.
                                                            Qom:  Islamic  Publications
                                                         6.  Dar  Al-Madani,  Hashim
                                                            al-Daftar.  and  Mohammad
                                                            Ali  al-Zuabi  (Bita).  Who
                                                            are  the  Rafiḍians?  Translated
                                                            by  Aliridha  Khosravani.
                                                            Qom: Taban Publications.
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