Page 30 - Pure Life 24
P. 30

A Comparative Approach to the “Trinity”… A-S. Fatemi Hasanabadi and M. Islami / 29

               consider  the  “Trinity”  to  be      is his ignorance of the time of
               real  or  the  “Trinity”  to  be      the resurrection (Matthew, 24: 37)
               figurative  and  monotheism  to       and  the  fact  that  the  father  is
               be real, the problem would be         greater than the son, (John, 14: 28)
               simple; but the strange thing is      it  is  one  of  the  teachings  that
               that they both know the truth.        denies the “Trinity”.
                 It is in this case that they are      The  New  Testament  also
               faced  with  an  unreasonable         states   that    believers    are
               problem; because the equation         children of God; (Matthew, 5:
               1=3  is  not  acceptable  to          9;  Luke,  20:  36)  Such
               anyone;  this  is  why  they          interpretations  are  figurative;
               believe  that  the  “Trinity”         But  Christians  consider  them
               should not be  accepted by the        to  be  true  about  Christ  and
               standard of reason; But should        figurative about other believers.
               be  adhered  to  by  the  standard
               of worship and the heart.                 3. Opposing  the  Words
                 It seeks such issues that the               of Christ
               separation  and  alienation  of       In  order  to  remove  any
               science     and    religion    in     ambiguity  about  his  worship,
               Christian  logic  is  reasonable      Christ has repeatedly emphasized
               and acceptable.                       his servitude, which is mentioned
                                                     in  the  Holy  Quran;  Including
                    2. Opposing the Teachings        the following two verses:
                       of the Gospels                    -  “When Jesus came with
               In  some  Gospels,  there  are               Clear  Signs,  he  said:
               phrases     from    which     the            “Now  have  I  come  to
               “Trinity”  is  derived;  but  by             you with Wisdom”, and
               referring  to  all  the  verses  and         in  order  to  make  clear
               teachings  of  this  holy  book,             to  you  some  of  the
               one can understand the opposite.             (points)  on  which  ye
                 Accordingly,  the  testimony               dispute:  therefore  fear
               of  Christ  to  his  humility                Allah and obey me. For
               towards God (Matthew, 11: 27)                Allah,  He  is  my  Lord
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