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               30  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 13-37, Autumn 2020
                      and  your  Lord:  so               -  “Christ the son of Mary
                      worship ye Him: this is               was  no  more  than  a
                      a     Straight      Way”.             messenger;  many  were
                      (Quran, 43: 63-64)                    the  messengers  that
                                                            passed  away  before
                   -  “Christ  disdaineth  nor
                      to  serve  and  worship               him.  His  mother  was  a
                      Allah,    nor    do    the            woman  of  truth.  They
                      angels, those nearest (to             had  both  to  eat  their
                      Allah): those who disdain             (daily)  food.  See  how
                      His  worship  and  are                Allah  doth  make  His
                      arrogant, He will gather              signs clear to them; yet
                      them  all  together  unto             see  in  what  ways  they
                      Himself  to  (answer)”.               are  deluded  away  from
                      (Quran,  4: 172)                      the truth”. (Quran, 5: 75)
                                                         -  Say:  “Will  ye  worship,
                    4. Opposition to the Holy               besides Allah, something
                       Quran                                which  hath  no  power
               The  Holy  Quran  censures                   either    to   harm     or
               Christians  for  their  “Trinity”            benefit  you?  But  Allah,
               and  attributes  infidelity  to              He it is that heareth and
               them  (Ref:  Quran,  4:  73)  and            knoweth  all  things”.
               denies  his  divinity  by  stating           (Quran, 5: 76)
               some       of     the     human           -  “O People of the Book!
               characteristics  of  Christ.  God            Commit  no  excesses  in
               has  called  the  “Trinity”  an              your  religion:  Nor  say
               exaggeration  and  asks  the                 of  Allah  aught  but  the
               People of the Book not to say                truth.  Christ  Jesus  the
               anything about God other than                son  of  Mary  was  (no
               the truth. The following verses              more than) a messenger
               deal    with    some     Quranic             of Allah, and His Word,
               descriptions on this subject:                which  He  bestowed  on
                                                            Mary,  and  a  spirit
                                                            proceeding  from  Him:
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