Page 26 - Pure Life 24
P. 26

A Comparative Approach to the “Trinity”… A-S. Fatemi Hasanabadi and M. Islami / 25

                      “The similitude of Jesus              believe  as  the  light
                      before  Allah  is  as  that           shines  and  different
                      of  Adam;  He  created                levels  of  lighting,  God
                      him from dust, then said              in  different  stages  of
                      to  him:  “Be”,  And  he              manifested  himself  to
                      was”. (Quran, 2: 59)                  Christ  and  the  Spirit
                                                            Holy appeared; Christ is
                    6.  Christian Groups and                in  the  lower  stage  of
                       the “Trinity”                        God,  and  the  Holy
               According to the verses of the               Spirit  is  the  Spirit  of
               Holy  Quran,  when  God  asks                God in another stage.
               Jesus  as  a  negative  question          -  The  other  group  who
               whether he commanded people                  believe that the otherworldly
               to  make  themselves  and  his               nature of Christ is somehow
               mother  two  gods,  it  can  be              intertwined  with  His
               understood that the issue of the             worldly nature is followers
               divinity  of  Christ  in  his  time          of emergence.
               and that of the Prophet People            -  Some also believe in the
               have been raised. (Ref: Quran:               composition of “Father”,
               5: 116-117)                                  “Son” and “Holy Spirit”
                 In general, in the face of the             and  believe  that  soul
               issue  of  the  Christian  trinity,          and body are mixed.
               they  are  divided  into  three
               main  categories,  which  are         Justifications for Accepting
               called  followers  of  radiation,     the “Trinity” and its Opponents
               followers  of  emergence,  and        Christian  scholars  who  have
               adherents of composition:             accepted  the  “Trinity”  have
                   -  denomination  that  the        given various justifications for
                      main  problem  for  them       it;  among  them  is  Augustine,
                      is  that  if  Christ  is  the   who  wrote  a  book  on  the
                      true  God,  how  can  a        Trinity entitled “On the Triune
                      person really be followers     Hypostasis”.
                      of  radiation  called  to
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