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               62  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 55-65, Autumn 2020

                   1.   The  sensible  faculty,             this faculty in its entirety.
                      which  is  the  common                The imaginative faculty.
                      point  between  man  and              We find three peculiarities
                      animal  and  is  based  on            for it: First, it is made of
                      the five material senses;             opaque material, because
                      According  to  him,  The              the  object  perceived  by
                      sensible  faculty...  Its             the    imagination     has
                      lights  [the  five  senses]           dimensions,  a  shape,
                      come  out  through  a                 directions and limits.
                      number  of  holes,  such              Secondly, when this opaque
                      as  the  eyes,  ears  and             imagination  is  purified,
                      nostrils, and the symbol              refined, polished and rectified,
                      that best corresponds to              it then becomes conformable
                      it   is   the    “Niche”.             to intellectual realities.
                      (Ghazali, 1924: 80)                   Thirdly, at the beginning,
                   2.   The imaginative faculty,            one needs the imagination
                      which  receives  data                 to control the intellectual
                      collected  by  the  first             knowledge.
                      faculty  and  archives                These  three  properties
                      them in order to provide              are  only  found  in  the
                      them to the third faculty             “glass”.  Originally,  in
                      of human understanding;               fact,  it  is  an  opaque
                      it   consists    of    the            substance; But, purified
                      capacity of human being               and  refined,  it  does  not
                      to  make  images  and  to             mask  the  light  of  the
                      keep them in his/her mind.            lamp and transmits it as
                      Ghazali  says  that  some             it is, protecting it moreover
                      animals with more developed           against  gusts  of  wind.
                      brains are also endowed               Glass  is,  therefore,  the
                      with this faculty. As for             main symbol of imagination.
                      the human being, children             (Ghazali, 1924: 80)
                      and infants do not have
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