Page 61 - Pure Life 24
P. 61
60 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 55-65, Autumn 2020
and We have sent down hierarchy, the object that is
to you a bright Light”. closer to the primary source of
(Quran, 3: 174) the Light is brighter than
others, as a ray of the sun
In addition to the Quran, strikes a mirror and then its
Ghazali also refers to other reflection falls on a wall to
sacred books without further illuminate it. As for the honorable
mentioning them. In addition prophet, Ghazali says:
to the quranic text, Imam If the name of
Ghazali also takes the status of “illuminating torch” is
prophecy as another equivalent well suited to what
to the notion of the Light: gives the light of the
This property belongs vision, what the torch
to the prophetic Holy itself borrows from it
Spirit, through which deserves to be referred
the light of knowledge is to as “fire” (nār). The
cast upon the creatures. terrestrial torches are
So we understand what originally borrowed from
God means by calling the higher lights, so that
Mohammad “The Torch the prophetic holy spirit
That Illuminates” (Seraj is such that “its oil
Monir). All the prophets would burst even if no
are “torches”, and so fire touched it”; But it
are the scientists; But becomes “Light on Light”
there is an incalculable when the fire touches it.
difference between them. (Ghazali, 1924: 48)
(Ghazali, 1924: 48)
Ghazali, therefore, concludes
Ghazali then speaks of the that only the first source of
hierarchical order between the light can be called Light
sources of light and objects because the other lights in this
that reflect only the light of world owe their luminous
others. He confirms that in this aspect to a superior source.