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               58  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 55-65, Autumn 2020
                  At  this  point,  Ghazali          word  light  is  related  to  the
               asserts  that  the  title  Light  can   ocular  system.  For  example,
               be  only  attributed  to  the         Iranian  people  often  use  the
               objects  of  the  third  category.    expression “the light of vision”
               These objects have the faculty        where  they  want  to  say  that  a
               of  appearance  (Zohour)  and         blind  person  or  a  man,  in  a
               appearing  (Ezhar).  Ghazali          state  of  old  age,  loses  “the
               specifies that:                       light  of  his  eye”;  But  Ghazali
                      The  nature  of  light  and    does not limit humans’ ability
                      its intelligibility, therefore,   to see to their ocular system, in
                      consist in being apparent      the material and physical sense.
                      to perception; But perception     He  points  out  that  man  is
                      is  subordinated  both  to     equally  provided  with  another
                      the  existence  of  light      interior  organism  to  see  and
                      and  to  that  of  the  eye    discern  things.  According  to
                      endowed  with  sight.          him,  this  inner  eye  can  be
                      Light  is  that  which  is     called  the  intellect.  In  Iranian
                      apparent and which makes       gnostic  and  Persian-speaking
                      it  appear;  But  for  the     literature,   this   means     of
                      blind, no light is apparent    knowledge is translated by the
                      or makes it appear.            term the Eye of the Heart.
                      So  the  name  “Light”            By comparing the capabilities
                      deserves  more  to  be         of  physical  vision  with  those
                      applied  to  what  sees        of the metaphysical and spiritual
                      rather  than  to  what  is     vision,  Ghazali  enumerates  the
                      seen. (Ghazali, 1924: 39)      seven  limits  of  the  primitive
                                                     meaning  of  human  vision.
               The  Notion  of  “Light”              According to him, the external
               Interpreted  in  “The  Niche          vision  or  the  material  eye  of
               of the Lights”                        human  being  suffers  from

               Ghazali  reminds  us  that  even      these seven defects:
               in  the  Persian  language,  the
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