Page 60 - Pure Life 24
P. 60
The Notion of “Light” Interpreted … S. Khanabadi and M. Dehghani Firouzabadi/ 59
1. It sees others but does of the Kingdom of heaven
not see itself. (Malakut).
2. It does not see what is To each eye correspond
too far from it. respectively a sun and a light
3. It does not see what is through which its vision.
behind a veil. There is an outer sun and an
4. It sees things outside inner sun. The outer sun
but not their inside. belongs to the sensible world
5. It sees certain beings and it is the sensible sun. The
and not all beings. inner sun belongs to the
6. It sees what is limited celestial world. It identifies
and does not see what is with the Koran and other
unlimited. divine books revealed.
7. In the very act of (Ghazali, 1924: 46)
visual perception, it is Ghazali considers the Quran
often mistaken, believing as a perfect equivalent to the
little what is great, near notion of Light. He says that
what is distant, in motion quranic verses act for the
what is motionless or intellect (the inner eye) like the
vice versa. (Ghazali, sun acting for the physical eye.
1924: 40) Ghazali gives some examples
of the quranic verses in which
Then, Ghazali approves by Eternal God uses the word
his arguments that the intellect Light to evoke the Holy
or the internal vision is more Quran: “the light of vision”:
effective than the external - “Believe therefore in
vision as the intellect escapes God, in His Messenger,
these seven defects. and in the light which
He sums up: The external We have revealed”.
eye belongs to the visible (Quran, 64: 8)
world, the internal eye belongs - “A proof has come to
to another world, that is, that you from your Lord,