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               84  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 67-92, Autumn 2020
               manifested  in  things,  what                Father  himself  appears,
               happened  from  the  worlds  or              meaning the Son and the
               similarities, and we do not see              Holy  Spirit”.  (Ibn  Arabi,
               a  statement  about  How  is  this           2002, Vol. 2: 490-491)
               manifestations?                           -  The Divine manifestation
                  As  for  Ibn  Arabi,  he  states          is  not  achieved  when
               that  the  manifestation  is  a              there  are  many  images
               Divine  name,  and  the  name                that direct the person to
               consists  of  the  Self  and  a              the world of matter.
               special characteristic, while Eckhart        “Man  should  receive
               comes  as  we  noted  earlier  in            God  in  everything  and
               the following form:                          train  his  mind  to  keep
                   -  God’s      Essence     has            God in his mind”. (Ibn Arabi,
                      manifestation:                        2002, Vol. 2: 326)
                      “By  perception,  God              -  Angels  have  the  power
                      manifests to Himself, and             to  control  the  world  of
                      in  perception  flows  in             matter because God has
                      Himself,  in  perception              deposited them with Himself.
                      God flows in all things”.             “Therefore,  the  angel
                      (Ibn  Arabi,  2002,  Vol.             pours  his  life  and  his
                      2: 455)                               power  into  the  heavens
                   -  Appearances  are  divided             and  directs  it  without
                      into created and uncreated            stopping,  which  in  turn
                      and they are supreme:                 affects  all  life  and
                      “In perception, God created           power in creatures”.
                      all  things”. (Ibn  Arabi,
                      2002, Vol. 2: 539) And,           From  the  foregoing,  this
                      “therefore, there must be      detail  that  we  saw  with  Ibn
                      something deeper, more         Arabi is not found by Eckhart;
                      sublime  and  uncreated,       Rather, Eckhart relies most  of
                      something without measure      the  time  on  general  rules  on
                      or method in which the         the main ideas that he discusses
                                                     in some paragraphs of his sermons,
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