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               88  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 67-92, Autumn 2020


                      creative Divine attraction and        is sufficient to show the
                      attraction Divine.                    great participation in thought.
                   -  The  manifestation  and            -  There  are  many  factors
                      hiddenness according to               that  interfered  with  the
                      Ibn Arabi and Eckhart is              Islamic  and  Christian
                      general and comprehensive;            mystical  biography  and
                      But  a  person  must  not             affected  its  nature  that
                      lose  sight  of  it;  But             reached us.
                      rather it should be preserved.     -  The  historical  factor  is
                   -  The     dispersion     and            one     of    the    most
                      drowning  in  the  world              important     of     these
                      of    matter    and    the            factors  that,  to  a  large
                      abundance  of  mental                 extent,    limited     the
                      images  is  one  of  the              growth     of   Christian
                      most  important  factors              mysticism,  despite  its
                      that  obscure  the  human             centuries-old age.
                      being from the hiddenness          -  The  events  that  the
                      and the manifestation of              world  was  exposed  to,
                      the divine Essence.                   especially  Europe  after
                   -  Union is rejected by the              the Renaissance, played
                      thought  of mystics  meaning          a positive role, sometimes
                      the  union  of  God  with             on mysticism,  and  negative
                      things,  and  unity  is               at other times.
                      correct and is the goal.
                   -  The points of competence          The  hiddenness  and  the
                      or specializations according   manifestation  of  the  Essence
                      to    Ibn    Arabi    and      according  to  Ibn  Arabi  and
                      Eckhart  do  not  mean         Eckhart  play  a  great  role  in
                      that  they  differed  in       explaining many religious and
                      them;     Rather,    more      human issues; But rather providing
                      follow-up  to  their  ideas    answers to many of the questions
                                                     raised today.
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