Page 87 - Pure Life 24
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               86  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 67-92, Autumn 2020

                   -  One of the most important             mysticism, which is especially
                      things  that  has  been               with  regard  to  the
                      touched  upon  is  the                research of the children
                      mating  or  giving  birth             of God.
                      in  a  mystical  custom,           -  The  manifestation  and
                      and  what  we  have                   inward seeing (Alboutoon
                      explained in this regard              Alshouhoudi) cannot  be
                      is  the  following:   the             achieved  with  mystics
                      whole  discussion  of                 without turning absolutely
                      childbirth    is   merely             to  the  Divine  Essence
                      about  matter  but  is                and abandoning everything
                      above abstract. Secondly,             else.
                       the discussion of childbirth      -  The  Divine  Essence  in
                      is  not  presented  in                Ibn  Arabi  and  Eckhart
                      relation  to  the  Divine             has an absolute presence.
                      subject  as  an  Essence;          -  The  manifestation  and
                      But rather in relation to             hiddenness of the divine
                      the  Divine  revelations              Essence  according  to
                      in Later stages, as there             Ibn Arabi and Eckhart is
                      is no research on mating              a  relative  manifestation
                      and  childbirth even  in              and hiddenness, meaning
                      the place of monism. The              that the manifestation of
                      secret  is  not  to  contain          God  in  things  is  the
                      this  rank, as  the  mystic           entity  (ayn)  of  His
                      masters acknowledge                   hiddenness in them, and
                      and  decide  on  facts                it  is  the  entity  (ayn)  of
                      separate from  each  other            the  venous  proximity
                      until  there  is  contact             that forms the reality of
                      and connection, and this              things.
                      research  will  take  a            -  From much of what we
                      different  character  in              have  mentioned,  and  in
                      some cases from Christian             particular what was mentioned
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