Page 90 - Pure Life 24
P. 90
Manifestation of the Essence of God … M.M. Gorjian et al / 89
Conclusion highlighted by Ibn Arabi’s
In the text that’s presented by interpretation of the blessed verse:
Ibn Arabi and Eckhart in the “Every moment He is in a
revelations and complete works, state” which matches the
emerges the importance of mystical research with the
appearance in reporting the quran scripts in his holy
mystical theory for both mystics. saying: “He's the first and the
Furthermore one of the last, the manifest and the
most important points that hidding” and this verse that is
highlights this research is that considered the central point
the research of appearance, for the research of divine
which in general is seen to be appearance and hiddenness
the same as the appearance of That is because this verse
divine essence, even though took into consideration the
it could be connected in station of “He” which isn't
organising the worlds of used much in the Quran and
existence or forming the this usage is similar to other
worlds of witnessing. expressions such as: God,
Another point worth mentioning Allah, Lord of the universe,
is the relative; which means Lord and there is no doubt
that the apparent is the same that the mystical research
as the appearer and vice versa. looks seriously at all these
Furthermore, the philosophy of expressions and gives each of
existence appearer is denying them an independent meaning,
the divine limits and it’s as well as Eckhart also
barrier during the appearance. launched from two main
Instead it has infinite issues in treating the divine
extension that surpasses the appearance.
bilateral of freedom and The first is the presence of
restriction. It is also what the the absolute essence and what
masters of mystics considered he expressed through the
it furthermore was also divine presence at all times