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Comparative Nature of Revelation … M.A Shafizadeh and S. As'ad / 21

                  The  Torah  includes  “Book            A. Linguistic  and  Direct
               of    Genesis”,     “Book      of            Revelation
               Exodus”, “Book of Leviticus”,         It  is  understood  from  some
               “Book  of  Numbers”,  and             passages  in  the  Bible  that
               “Book      of    Deuteronomy”.        God's  revelation  to  Moses,  as
               (Tawfiqi, 2015: 97 and 108)           well  as  to  some  of  the
                  The  Old  Testament  has  in       prophets,  was  verbal.  Phrases
               some  cases  explicitly  spoken       such  as  “God  said”,  “God
               of    God's    revelation     and     says”,  “God's  word  came  to
               relationship with the prophets.       me”,  “God  spoke  to  Moses”,
               Among  other  things,  it  is  the    and  “I  will  speak  to  you”  are
               revelation of the word of God         repeated  in  the  Bible.  Other
               about  Israel  and  the  word  of     words,  “God  spoke  to  you
               God  that  spread  the  heavens       through the fire, and you heard
               and  laid  the  foundation  of  the   the words; but you did not see
               earth and made the human soul         a      face”,      (Book       of
               within     him.      (Book     of     Deuteronomy,  14:  13)  So  the
               Zechariah, 12: 1-2)                   God  addressed  Moses  and
                  Some  phrases  have  spoken        said: “Gather with me seventy
               of the revelation plummet; It is      of  the  elders  of  the  Israelites,
               as  if  the  revelation  of  God's    whom  you  know  to  be  the
               word  descends  on  the  land  of     elders  of  the  people  and  their
               “Hadrakh” and “Damascus” is           rulers”,  (Book  of  Numbers
               its  place.  (Book  of  Zechariah,    Numbers,  11:  17)  and  other
               9: 1; Quoted by Karimi, 2008:         such  expressions  appear  that
               394)                                  the revelation of God to Moses
                  The following is the type of       was  in  the  form  of  speech.
               revelation     in     the    Old      (Amini, 2014: 180)
               Testament, which is explained
               as follows :                              B.  Revelation by Angels
                                                     Sometimes  the  revelation  is
                                                     communicated         by       the
                                                     messenger  angel.  “The  angel
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