Page 60 - Pure Life 25
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Reading the Quranic and Narrative Views … T. Mohseni et al / 59

                      It  was  the  life  of  this   elite were not only not needed
                      world  that  deceived          but  also  not  needed,  because
                      them. So against themselves    for the tribe of the Jinn it was
                      will  they  bear  witness      possible    to    contact     the
                      that     they     rejected     Prophets  and  the  Avesi  and
                      Faith”. (Quran, 6: 130)        receive the ordinances and the
                                                     mystic was in the language of
                  Acceptance,  Anne  Jananke         all of them; Of course, among
               Same  as  the  presence  of           them  there  were  scholars  who
               Pyrambran  and  sent  by  Anan        guided  them  ignorance  and
               Niz Khoud guide Ber Mukhtar           endorse  them  and  give  them
               Boden  Jan  and  Ans.  The            the way to excuse them.
               prophets'  gender  is  from              It  is  easier  to  obtain  the
               Adam; But the phrase “Alm is          commandments  than  the  holy
               a  messenger”  is  due  to  the       ones. On the other hand, al-'in
               tomb.  With  the  unity  of  the      could     have     served     the
               nation,  Imam  has  been  on  the     Prophets  and  Imams,  or  they
               genius and the holy man.              would  be  present  at  the
                  In  Jurjani's  commentary,  it     meetings of the Ulema.
               has  been  mentioned  that,  by          Among  them,  there  are  al-
               consensus, the right to transcend     Qa'abr,  al-Saqr  and  head  and
               any Jinn to the Jinn who did not      powerful,  weak  and  strong,
               send  a  revelation  to  him.         and Sultan, and the position of
               (Kashani, 1965: 3 and 452)            the  Jinnism  and  the  Prophet
                  According        to      some      Suleiman,  and  the  judicature
               commentators  such  as  Alushi,       of  the  Jinnism  on  Soleiman
               Gurdbabi, Tabarias, the apostles      and  the  Qa'far  with  his
               received the revelation through       companions,  the  servant  of
               the  apostles  and  sent  to  their   Abdullah  and  the  coming  of
               own  breed.  (Qara'ati,  1996,        Satan  in  Darandumaih,  the
               Vol. 3: 396)                          idolaters  and  there  are  many
                  The Prophets and the Imams         other issues on the subject; But
               and  the  leaders  in  the  tribal
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