Page 63 - Pure Life 25
P. 63
62 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 49-73, Winter 2021
With a little careful Judgment)”, (Quran, 72: 7)
attention to this, one can find a and the Jinn's, like you,
fascinating result: If the disbelieved in the group's
prophets and divine parents are people, and they believed that
the agents of all the Jinn's, Allah would not live any one
then the Jinn's are also free on the Day of Resurrection.
from human beings, and with That is, the believers of the
their own will, along with the goddess told them that the
rational arguments, can be the unbelievers who took refuge in
religion of divine prophets the age of jailbreak to men
Accept or reject. from the Jinn's thought that if
Those who believe in the you believed in a group of
Prophet of God and do good martyrs that God never came
deeds will reward those who after Jesus and Moses of the
are human, and those who Prophet, and beyond this jest
disobey the commandments with their rebellion like the
will suffer a severe punishment Koran They heard that they
of divine suffering: believed and were guided.
“Such are they against (Tabarsi, 1981, Vol. 25: 347)
whom is proved the
sentence among the 5.1 Muslims and Idolaters,
previous generations of Shiites and Sunnis
Jinns and men, that What comes from the Verses
have passed away; for and traditions is that the group of
they will be (utterly) elks has not only Muslims but
lost”. (Quran, 46: 18) also Shiite and Sunni sects. The
story of believing the genial
According to this Verse of group after hearing the Verses of
the unbelievers, the Jinn also the Quran from the Prophet on
have the same people's eagle. the market is evidence of this
“And they (came to) think claim. I asked for permission to
as ye thought, that Allah visit Imam Baqir.
would not raise up any one (to