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Reading the Quranic and Narrative Views … T. Mohseni et al / 61

               two  categories  of  righteous           Believers make every small
               and non-righteous.                    and  magnificent  work  (good
                  In this Verse it is quoted in      deed) receive revenues without
               several ways:                         any     reduction;    (Makarem
                   -  Jinnies have different colors   Shirazi, 1995: 25 and 116) as
                   -  There       are     many       well as the:
                      different types                       “It  gives  guidance  to
                   -  There     are    different            the  Right,  and  we  have
                      branches and sects                    believed  therein:  we
                   -  There      are     various            shall    not    join   (in
                      privileges     such     as            worship)  any  (gods)
                      algebra,  some  kind  of              with      our      Lord”.
                      recipe.  (Amin,  1974:  3             (Quran, 72: 2)
                      and 143)
                                                        This    statement    of    the
                  Indeed, Jinn's optional faith      Jinnian faith in the Quran and
               in the 13th  Verse of the same        its acknowledgment of the fact
               surah also reads:                     that it is true, and the sentence
                      “And  as  for  us,  since we   “and  Len  Nasrk  barbanah  al-
                      have  listened  to  the        Hada  emphasize  their  faith  in
                      Guidance,      we     have     the  Quran,  and  finds  that  the
                      accepted it: and any who       faith  of  Jinnian  The  Quran  is
                      believes in his Lord has no    the same belief in the god who
                      fear,  either  of  a  short    revealed  the  Quran;  As  a
                      (account)  or  of  any         result,  their  slaughter  is  God,
                      injustice”. (Quran, 72: 13)    and  their  faith  in  the  divine
                                                     faith  is  monotheistic,  that  is,
                  The believers of the Jinn say      they  will  not  be  able  to
               in  their  own  words:  When  we      associate  one  with  God”.
               heard the guidance of the Quran,      (Tabatabai, 1982, Vol. 20: 61)
               Believers,  whoever  believes  in        This  Verse  also  indicates
               his  Lord,  is  not  afraid  of       that  the  Prophet  and  it  is
               defilement, nor oppression.           anonymous.
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