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               108  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 107-119, Spring 2021

               Introduction                          in  the  media  and  to  study  the
               In the present day the media is       motivations  and  introduce  the
               one of the most important and         expedience determining reference
               influential  means  of  social        in the media.
               communication from the viewpoint
               of Shi'a religious jurisprudence,     The Concept of Expedience
               every phenomenon has a Sharia         There  is  no  single  theory  of
               law  and  therefore  the  media       “general  expedience”  among

               also falls under the jurisprudential   scholars, and different approaches
               framework  and  the  rulings          can  be  considered  in  this
               should  be  examined  from  the       regard.Each of these approaches
               perspective of religious jurisprudence    have   defined   the   public
               one  of  the  rules  that  govern     expedience      based    on     a
               media  activity  is  the  religious   particular  criterion  and  each

               jurisprudential  expedience  rule .   consider  the  idea  can  be
               (Akbari, 2013)                        resulted  in  different  ways.In
                  Although media workers are         general,  the  types  of  general
               generally expedient; butit should     expedience  theories  can  be
               be  examined  that  what  is  the     grouped into four categories:
               meaning and place of religious        -  Realism:  Realistic  theories
               jurisprudential  expedience  in           of public expedience portray

               media affairs, and who or what            them  as  doing  nothing
               entity  can  be  the  expedience          more  than  compromising
               determining reference in media            the expediencies of individuals.
               affairs ?                                 This  view  does  not  view
                  This  research  is  organized          the public expedience as a
               to  explain  the  concept  of             matter  of  discretion  and

               religious jurisprudential expedience      independence; but rather as
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