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               110  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 107-119, Spring 2021

               policies on the one hand gives               and the competition that
               us  a  realistic  understanding              exists; but by emphasizing
               and deters us from abstraction               the importance of reinforcing
               and    disregard     for   social            social attachments.

               realities; and on the other hand,         -  This  theory  lays  the
               considering the consequences of              groundwork for the responsibility
               the  actions  has  always  been              of  individuals  and  is
               crucial to the issue of freedom,             ethical  in  this  respect.
               which  in  our  discussion  is               According to this view,
               freedom  of  the  media,  news               a sense of responsibility

               and information.                             about  others  forces  one
                  Therefore, on the basis of a              to step out of the fence
               few general principles, one can              of  minor  expediencies
               come  to  a  comprehensive                   and  to  encourage  well-
               theory  of  “public  expedience”             being in the city.
               that respects public expediencies         -  This  theory  makes  it
               and individual freedoms.                     possible to achieve rational

                  Such theory must:                         adaptation.  This  theory
                   -  Consider  the  expedience             not only paints a picture
                      that is above the private             of  social  cohesion  and
                      expedience of individuals,            favorable  public  order;
                      while accepting that this             but  also,  by  rejecting
                      public  expedience  does              fear, lays the groundwork

                      not  negate  personal  or             for voluntary participation
                      private expediencies.                 by  individuals  to  gain
                   -  It  does  not  diminish               political values.
                      policy theory by talking           -  This  theory  should  be
                      about private expediencies            able to achieve a balanced
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