Page 112 - Pure Life 26
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The Position and Application of Jurisprudential … A. Siyahat Esfandiari et al / (111
mix of civil virtue plus Expedience Motivation in
individual freedom. It Media
must therefore be able Some of the most important
to replace its political motivations for expedience in
culture. A culture where the media, which usually leads
there is no conflict between to censorship and not expressing
one's social duties and all the news and content, are:
one's freedoms.
- Ultimately, such a theory A. Protecting the Government
of public expedience One of the important motives
should be based on the of expedience is to maintain
consequences of an action the government. The term is
and leave the decision generally used in religious
making for when the time jurisprudence in three meanings,
and conditions are expedient. which in here it refers to the
(Alidoust, 2011) preservation of the state.
Imam Khomeini says about
With these considerations in preserving the state of the
mind, one can come up with a Islamic Republic of Iran:
theory of public expedience “If god doesn’t forbid
that while considering public and a defeat happens
and collective expediencies it upon the nation, Islam
also considers individual expediencies will be destroyed”.
and freedoms. (Imam Khomeini, 2000,
After identifying the concept Vol. 22: 211)
of “public expedience” it is And elsewhere he says to
worthwhile to consider the the workers of the media:
expedience motives that occur
in information and media work.