Page 104 - Pure Life 26
P. 104

Ethical Principles of Social Activity … Z.S Hosseini et al / (103

                  Maintaining  the  foundation       a  different  view  and  the
               of  the  family  and  raising         dignity of man as the flagship
               children,  as  well  as  the  peace   of  existence  and  creatures
               of mind of women and society          must be preserved.
               are  among  the  basic  interests        On  the  other  hand,  the
               that Islam has emphasized.            presence  of  women  in  some

                  Therefore, setting limits and      occupations is necessary; because
               rules is aimed at strengthening       the  implementation  of  some
               and  maintaining  the  warm           Islamic rules and their observance
               hearth  of  the  family  and          and  social  necessities  requires
               activating its positive functions,    the presence of women in some
               and therefore, some conditions        social jobs and professions.

               are related to a married woman.          It  is  emphasized  that  not
                  Therefore, Islam has considered    paying  attention  to  the  legal
               women's  work  among  other           and value norms of Islam and
               issues  and  social  affairs  and     replacing  Western  models  of
               has avoided a one-dimensional         women's work has unfortunate
               view     of   women's      work.      consequences  that  are  now
               Moreover, the legal and moral         serious challenges for Western
               norms  of  Islam  are  such  that     societies.

               they  prevent  women  from               Disintegration  of  families,
               becoming tools for the economy.       turning to individual life, devaluation
                  Contrary to the liberal approach   of the sacred institution of the
               to  economics,  in  many  cases       family,  lack  of  emotional
               women  and  even  men  have           relationships  between  family

               become  economic  tools.  The         members,  lowering  the  age  of
               view of man, along with other         criminals, and lack of peace of
               factors of production, must be        mind  for  family  members,
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