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               116  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 107-119, Spring 2021

               and economic dimensions, it is           Ordinary  news  and  content
               therefore  essential  to  have  a     about the day-to-day activities
               working  group  of  experts  in       of  institutions,  agencies,  and
               the  aforementioned  areas  with      other  government  entities  or

               the  supervision  of  a  religious    private  companies  does  not
               jurisprudent  who  knows  the         require  any  discussion  or
               media  well,  to  form  and           expedience  to  be  evaluated;
               propagate  news  and  other           Rather,  it  is  about  news  and
               media  activities  under  this        information that goes beyond a
               Working Group.                        mere  activity  and  has  major

                  This  suggestion  may  be          consequences.  It  is  in  these
               criticized  by  some  experts  as     cases  that  the  need  for
               saying  that  news  releases  in      consideration  is  raised  in  the
               today’s world are happening in        proposed committee.
               an “instant”, so setting such a
               working group to examine the             It  should  be  noted  that  the
               material  and  corruption  of  the    proposed  committee  should
               news  releases  takes  a  lot  of     always be present in the media
               time. It fundamentally disadvantages   and  constantly  monitor  and
               a  media  having  such  a             evaluate issues.
               workgroup  compared  to  other
               media  and  therefore  a  non-        Conclusion
               operational solution.                 The  expedience  rule is  one  of
                  In response to these critics,      those rules that journalists and
               news  and  media  activities          news  agencies  must  use  as  a
               should  be  divided  into  two        basis in the various dimensions
               categories:                           and  stages  of  gathering  news
                      -  News and ordinary content   to  propagate  it;  because  in

                      -  News and special content
                                                     some cases it is of expedience
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