Page 116 - Pure Life 26
P. 116

The Position and Application of Jurisprudential … A. Siyahat Esfandiari et al / (115

                  Therefore,  it  can  be  said             oppressed  servants  can
               that  no  school  of  law  can  be           be  safeguarded  and  the
               indifferent  to  the  question  of           remaining rulings of the
               security,    otherwise     it   is           religion will be established”.
               indifferent to its cause and its
               existential   philosophy      and        Accordingly, the media and

               cannot stand.                         the  media  should  place  social
                  Islam,  as  a  comprehensive       security  as  one  of  the  most
               legal  system  that  responds  to     important  principles  in  their
               human  needs  at  all  times  and     activities and actions as a divine
               places,  is  no  exception,  and      necessity  for  stopping  the
               therefore has been emphasized         propagation  of  any  news,

               in many tales and sermons on          report or material that puts the
               the  necessity  and  importance       social security of Muslims at risk.
               of “social security”.                    On the other hand, in order
                  In  the  Holy  Quran  one  of      to  promote  social  security,
               the fruits of faith in God is the     audiovisual  media  need  to
               matter  of  “security”.  (Ref:        inform and raise awareness of
               Quran, 106: 3-4)                      issues that endanger their security.
                  Imam Ali also says:                    D. Expedience  Determining

                      “God!  You  know  that                Reference in Media
                      what I am doing is not a       One  of  the  most  important
                      struggle  for  power  or       issues  in  applying  media
                      for  the  worthless  goods     expedience  is  determining  the
                      of the world; but for the      expedience  reference  in  the

                      restoration  of  religious     media.Since the propagation of
                      values and reform of the       news  and  media  activities  has
                      country  so  that  your        diverse cultural, political, social
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