Page 115 - Pure Life 26
P. 115
114 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 107-119, Spring 2021
saidexpedienceis so important the Muslim system -political,
that it is ok to abandon justice, economic, cultural and social-
it would be preferable to act on that should and should be
expedience here. considered at all times.
Media justice, for example,
requires that a person be given C. Security
the opportunity to defend Although the title of security
himself/herself if he or she is also comes under the heading
unfairly accused by a person in of maintaining the government,
the same media and be allowed it should be considered separately
to defend himself / herself in because of its importance.
“Security” is one of the
the same media. most important divine blessings
But if what the person or and one of the most pressing
legal personality is talking needs of mankind and society.
about conflicts with the The rulers of different
expediences of the government, governments have recognized
and if the media executives this as one of the most
know that if given the essential elements of the
opportunity, instead of defending survival of governments and
an important factor in public
themselves, they would endanger satisfaction and are trying to
the expediences of the government, establish public security in
then they should ignore this justice. their society.
Of course, this is no longer Although the methods of
the case with media justice. It establishing security vary
should be noted, however, that according to the structure and
party and factional expedience the noetic foundations of
governments, its principle is
should not be interfered with, an inevitable necessity.
and it is only the expedience of