Page 16 - Pure Life 26
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Differences in the Issue of Atheism… S. Fahs and M.H.H al-askari / (15
Introduction the existence of deities. Less
In this article, some points that broadly, atheism is a rejection
will be mentioned range from: of the belief that any deities
• Definition of Atheism exist. In an even narrower
• Agnosticism sense atheism is specifically the
• Reasons for the strong position that there are no deities”.
view on atheism in the Atheism is also distinguished
west from agnosticism: “who does
• Different types of not know or believes that it is
atheism in the west impossible to know if a god
• Role in exporting atheistic exists”. (Cambridge Advanced
ideas to Islamic countries Learner's Dictionary, 2003)
• Atheism in the East Types of Atheism in the
• Different types of atheism East and West
in the east Allah said in his glorious book:
• Causes of its spread “So set thou thy face
• Impact of western ideology steadily and truly to the
• Solutions Faith: (establish) Allah's
• The fate of Atheism handiwork according to
the pattern on which He
Definitions of Atheism vary has made mankind: no
in the degree of consideration change (let there be) in
a person must put to the idea the work (wrought) by
of Gods to be considered an standard Religion: but most
atheist, “atheism in the broadest among mankind understand
sense is an absence or belief in not”. (Quran, 30: 30)