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               20  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 13-30, Spring 2021
                  Towards the end of the 18th           Also, that turning to atheism
               century,  we  saw  a  violent         and  abolishing  religion  is  the
               explosion  of  secularism  and        best  and  correct  way  to
               atheism      in    the    French      develop  and  liberate  human
               revolution as well as materialism     beings from restrictions.
               developing  into  a  philosophy          Another  reason  John  Gray
               which  gained  a  following  that     mentioned  at  the  end  of  the
               has  continued  into the  present     first  chapter  of  his  new  book
               day.                                  “Seven  types  of  Atheism”  in
                  In  this  century  atheism  has    which he concludes that:

               appeared  in  Europe  as  an                 “The organized atheism
               integrated  idea  which  David               of the present century is
               Berman  has  called  “Avowed                 mostly       a      media
               Atheism”. (Berman, 2013)                     phenomenon  and  best
                  This    serious    intellectual           appreciated as a type of
               campaign  against  religion  by              entertainment”.  (Gray,
               the     secularist     movement              2018: 23)
               extended  into  the  nineteenth
               century  which  was  considered          The  widespread  use  of
               as a “Century of movements of         social   media     has    further
               Rationalism,  Freethought  and        contributed to the awareness of
               Liberalism” and which was also
               a time of great transformation in     atheism and has affected many
               all spheres of life.                  of the youth’s religious beliefs
                  These factors had a negative       through its constant promotion
               profound  effect  on  religion        and praise towards them.
               that  led  to  the  belief  that         This caused many to start to
               religion  stands  as  a  barrier  to   compare  and  question  their
               all  forms  of  scientific  and       ideas  and  views  leading  to

               civilized progress.                   sceptising    their    thoughts,
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