Page 17 - Pure Life 26
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               16  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 13-30, Spring 2021
                  Each     human     being     is        -  The     so-called   “new
               programmed to know Allah by                  atheism”  contains  little
               “Fitrah”, which may be defined               that is novel or interesting.
               as  our  nature  or  the  way  we         -  Secular humanism
               were created; but the two main            -  There  is  the  kind  of
               problems  of  humanity  is  the              atheism  that  makes  a
               constant state of distraction from           religion from science.
               things other than Allah and the           -  There      are    modern
               immersion  of  itself  in  sin               political  religions  from
               which corrupts the human Fitrah.             Jacobinism        through

                  Distractions and sin are two              communism and Nazism
               sides  of  the  same  coin,  and             to         contemporary
               both play a role in ruining our              evangelical liberalism.
               Fitrah and therefore distancing           -  There  is  the  atheism  of
               our relationship with Allah.                 God-haters  such  as  the
                  A  cause  of  why  so  many               Marquis de Sade.

               people disregards their religious         -  The atheisms of George
               beliefs is due to the corruption             Santayana  and  Joseph
               of  their  Fitrah  and  therefore            Conrad, which reject the
               causing many to become atheists.             idea  of  a  creator-God
                  Furthermore, since there are              without     having    any
               many  methods  and  reasons  to              Piety towards humanity.
               disbelieve,  many  types  and             -  There  are  the  mystical
               sections  of  atheism  appeared              atheism      of    Arthur

               over time.                                   Schopenhauer  and  the
                  Applying Empson’s methodology,            negative  theologies  of
               John Gray examine 7 kinds of                 Benedict  Spinoza  and
               atheism:                                     the    early    twentieth
                                                            century  Russian  Jewish
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