Page 136 - Pure Life 27
P. 136

Distortion Category … M.Sh Badra and M. Shiri / (135

                   ➢  “O Messenger! let not                 hearts; they shall have
                      those  grieve  you  who               disgrace in this world,
                      strive    together     in             and  they  shall  have  a
                      hastening  to  unbelief               grievous  chastisement

                      from among those who                  in    the     hereafte”.
                      say with their mouths:                (Al-Ma'idah: 41)
                      We  believe,  and  their
                      hearts  do  not  believe,         After  observing  this  group
                      and from among those           of  verses,  each  of  which,  of
                      who are Jews; they are         course,  in  order  to  be

                      listeners  for  the  sake      understood  more  and  better,
                      of  a  lie,  listeners  for    needs to refer to the following
                      another  people  who           interpretations,  the  following
                      have not come to you;          general results are obtained:
                      they  alter  the  words            •  Spiritual  distortion  has
                      from     their    places,             been  found  in  both
                      saying:  If  you  are                 heavenly books-the Torah

                      given this, take it, and              and the Bible.
                      if  you  are  not  given           •  The Holy Quran accuses
                      this,  be  cautious;  and             the Israelites of distortion
                      as  for  him  whose                   in six verses.
                      temptation Allah desires,          •  From verse 41 of Surah
                      you  cannot  control                  Māʼidah  and  with  the

                      anything  for  him  with              help  of  the  narrations
                      Allah.  Those  are  they              that caused the revelation,
                      for  whom  Allah  does                it  can  be  concluded
                      not  desire  that  He                 that  the  Jewish  people
                      should  purify  their                 have distorted the word
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