Page 133 - Pure Life 27
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               132  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (27): 109-140, Summer 2021

                   2.  Distortion in the New                written  by  Paul  to  the
                      Testament                             early Christian groups.
               A collection of New Testament             •  Kashf: This book promises
               books  consisting  of  27  books,            the      progress       of
               which  are  thematically  divided            Christianity,  which  is
               into the following four sections:            why it is so important to
                   •  The  Gospels  consists  of            Christians;    in    other

                      the     four     Gospels:             words,     John,     who
                      Gospel  of  Matthew,                  according  to  Christians
                      Gospel of Mark, Gospel                was  a  young  apostle,
                      of  Luke  and  Gospel  of             describes  his  old  age
                      John,  written  by  the               dream  in  this  work.
                      Apostles (companions and              (Tawfiqi, 2019: 115-125)
                      followers)  of  Jesus,  in
                      which  they  wrote  the           Christian  scholars  generally

                      journey and words of the       agree that the purpose of these
                      Prophet Jesus.                 four  writers  was  not  to
                                                     preserve  the  true  life  history
                   •  Acts  of  the  Apostles:       of  Jesus,  but  rather  to
                      Luke is the author of the      propagate     their    religious
                      third  Gospel,  which  is      beliefs;  so  they  articulated

                      written in the biography       what  they  found  and  gave
                      of the apostles, especially    themselves the right to change
                      Paul the Apostle.              the  content  to  suit  their
                   •  Letters  of  the  Apostles:    purpose;  for  this  reason,  the
                      Contains a large number        Gospel  of  Matthew  and  the
                      of  epistles  or  letters,     Gospel of Luke have changed

                      many  of  which  were          much of what they have taken
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