Page 133 - Pure Life 27
P. 133
132 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (27): 109-140, Summer 2021
2. Distortion in the New written by Paul to the
Testament early Christian groups.
A collection of New Testament • Kashf: This book promises
books consisting of 27 books, the progress of
which are thematically divided Christianity, which is
into the following four sections: why it is so important to
• The Gospels consists of Christians; in other
the four Gospels: words, John, who
Gospel of Matthew, according to Christians
Gospel of Mark, Gospel was a young apostle,
of Luke and Gospel of describes his old age
John, written by the dream in this work.
Apostles (companions and (Tawfiqi, 2019: 115-125)
followers) of Jesus, in
which they wrote the Christian scholars generally
journey and words of the agree that the purpose of these
Prophet Jesus. four writers was not to
preserve the true life history
• Acts of the Apostles: of Jesus, but rather to
Luke is the author of the propagate their religious
third Gospel, which is beliefs; so they articulated
written in the biography what they found and gave
of the apostles, especially themselves the right to change
Paul the Apostle. the content to suit their
• Letters of the Apostles: purpose; for this reason, the
Contains a large number Gospel of Matthew and the
of epistles or letters, Gospel of Luke have changed
many of which were much of what they have taken