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               134  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (27): 109-140, Summer 2021
                      for  what  their  hands               (instead):  We  have
                      have written and woe to               heard  and  we  obey,
                      them  for  what  they                 and     hearken,     and
                      earn”. (Al-Baqarah: 79)               unzurna  it  would  have

                   ➢  “Most  surely  there  is  a           been  better  for  them
                      party  amongst  those                 and  more  upright;  but
                      who  distort  the  Book               Allah  has  cursed  them
                      with  their  tongue  that             on  account  of  their
                      you  may  consider  it  to            unbelief, so they do not
                      be (a part) of the Book,              believe  but  a  little”.

                      and they say, It is from              (An-Nisa: 46)
                      Allah,  while  it  is  not         ➢  “But  on  account  of
                      from Allah, and they tell             their  breaking  their
                      a  lie  against  Allah                covenant  We  cursed
                      whilst  they  know”.  (Al-            them  and  made  their
                      Imran: 78)                            hearts     hard;    they
                   ➢  “Of  those  who  are                  altered the words from

                      Jews  (there  are  those              their  places  and  they
                      who)  alter  words  from              neglected  a  portion  of
                      their  places  and  say:              what they were reminded
                      We have heard and we                  of;  and  you  shall
                      disobey  and:  Hear,                  always discover treachery
                      may  you  not  be  made               in them excepting a few

                      to  hear!  and:  Raina,               of  them;  so  pardon
                      distorting  (the  word)               them  and  turn  away;
                      with  their  tongues  and             surely    Allah    loves
                      taunting  about  religion;            those who do good (to
                      and  if  they  had  said              others)”. (Al-Ma'idah: 13)
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