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Humiliation and Analysis of its … / (61

               ignorant  people  see  otherwise.        This  expression  “a  few  and
               So,  If  you  are  humble  to  God    reckoned  feeble”  in  the  first
               and  obey  him  and  His              verse    corresponds     to   the
               Messenger  to  the  limit  with       following  one  in  the  second
               which  you  become  like  a           verse “ weak-adhallah”, and the

               shadow to them, then you will         two verses end up with thanking
               be helped from the Lord.              the Lord. (Sadeqi Tehrani, 2013,
                  This     result     can     be     Vol. 5: 366)
               emphasized with comparing the            The two expressions refer that
               two following verses:                 the only source of the real honor
                   ➢  “Recall  the  time  when       is God, and dhull and humility to

                      you  (the  believers)  were    him is the one and only way to
                      only  a  few  and  reckoned    get that Divine honor.
                      feeble  in  the  land,  afraid    As  for  humiliation  in  terms
                      of being terrorized by the     of  a  small  number  and
                      people.  God  gave  you        weakness that is not a dhull at
                      shelter,  supported  you       all  and  when  a  man  has  a
                      with    His    help    and     powerful connection with Allah
                      bestowed  on  you  pure        and  lives  in  His  shadow,  he

                      provisions so that perhaps     will  definitely  get  His  support
                      you  would  give  Him          and    help  even  if  he  is  weak
                      thanks”. (Al-Anfal: 26)        and decrepit apparently.
                   ➢  “Certainly  Allah  helped         There are many examples in
                      you  at  Badr,  when  you      the  holy  Quran  bring  to  light
                      were  weak.  So  be  wary      how ignorant and worldly men

                      of Allah so that you may       look at the humiliation matter.
                      give thanks”. (Al-Imran: 123)     In the verse 52 of Az-Zukhruf,
                                                     Pharaoh  was  addressing  his
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