Page 100 - Pure Life 28
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Knowledge Gap Theory… K. Ahmadi Bighash and M. Qamarzadeh / (99

                      distributions,  about  which   educational    differences    on
                      some        are      more      media use.
                      knowledgeable         than        The  simultaneous  impact

                      others.  In  a  particular     of  education  and  motivation:
                      distribution,  there  are      in  order  to  influence  and
                      many  possibilities  for       practice     on      knowledge.
                      creating  and  filling  gaps,   (Ibid: 389)
                      and  the  media  can  fill        Theorists  of  this  theory
                      gaps  and  create  others.     believe  that  the  increase  of

                      (McQuail, 2006: 390)           knowledge  and  information
                                                     in   society    is   not    done
               Different        Models        of
               Knowledge Gap Theory                  uniformly  by  members  of
                                                     society.  That  is,  a  group  of
               Then,  with  the  expansion  of       people  who  are  above  the

               views  on  this  theory,  a  total    economic  classes  have  better
               of  three  types  of  models          ability  and  conditions  to
               have     been     proposed     to     acquire  knowledge  and  information.
               explain  the  theory  of  the         So  the  people  of  the  society
               gap of consciousness:                 are divided into two groups:
                  Education:  Education  has             •  The  first  group,  whose
               a  strong  correlation  with                 members  are  educated
               the  use  of  media,  which  is              people  in  the  community,

               an  active,  enthusiastic,  information-     they  have  a  lot  of
               oriented approach.                           knowledge  and  information
                  Motivation:  In  such  a  way             and  can  comment  on
               that  these  individual  factors             anything.
               moderate       and      partially
               compensate  for  the  effect  of
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