Page 132 - Pure Life 28
P. 132

The Methodology of Encountering the Social Issues … N. Fradi / (131

               Parents’ Responsibilities                 ➢  “We  have  created  man

               Proper  education,  particularly             in  the  best  stature”.
               sound religious education, can               (Qur'an, 95: 4)
               save  a  teenager from loss  and         At  this  point,  the  parents
               confusion  where  the  answers        assure  the  child  that  he  is  a
               to  all  his  questions  are  found.   respectable  figure  who  has

               He also learns how to meet his        prominence at his Creator and
               needs    in    the   right   and      among people and has a role to
               legitimate ways.                      play  in  this  life.  Parents  also
                                                     assert  that  they  are  proud  of
                  A    teenager     needs    the     him  and  waiting  for  him  to
               serenity of the soul that saves       undertake  his  responsibilities

               him from his disorders, which         and expect him to succeed and
               he  finds  when  his  soul  is        flourish.  This  motivation  and
               linked  to  Allah  and  to  the       encouragement  will  boost  his
               supreme values, principles and        morale,  strengthen  his  self-
                                                     confidence  and  bring  up  as  a
               morals of prophets, Imams and         normal  person.  Otherwise,  the
               righteous believers. In addition,     adolescent  is  not  respected,

               the  child  will  discover  his       appreciated     and     properly
               prestigious  place  in  the  world    educated,  as  he  considers  that
               of  creation  and  cherish  it  and   others  treat  him  as  a  child
               not drift towards lust and vice.      rather  than  an  adult,  he  is
                                                     likely to engage in unacceptable
                  Almighty Allah said:               behavior  in  order  to  draw  the

                   ➢  “We  have  honored  the        attention of others to indirectly
                      children     of   Adam”.       say  that  he  has  grown  up  and
                      (Qur'an, 17: 70)               has  been  able  to  do  whatever
                                                     he wants.
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