Page 136 - Pure Life 28
P. 136

The Methodology of Encountering the Social Issues … N. Fradi / (135

                    •  Weakness  of  personality         •  Some  bodies  are  in
                       and  will  and  inability            nature  more  receptive

                       to  make  a  decision  or            and     responsive      to
                       rejection  out  of  shame            narcotics  than  others,
                       or courtesy.                         which  explains  why
                    •  Some  psychological  or              some individuals respond
                       emotional disorders that             faster to use them.

                       in    turn   make     the         •  Habit  needs,  such  as
                       teenager  weak-willed                smoking,     make      the
                       and short of self-confidence.        body  feel  that  it  needs
                    •  Escape      from      the            nicotine  available  in
                       frustrating  atmosphere              cigarettes, or some narcotics
                       or from some situations              and spirits that may kill
                       that    cause    him/her             pain  and  relax  nerves,

                       sadness and depression.              and,  thus,  the  body
                    •  Imitating   a    beloved             demands  again  to  get
                       figure,  s/he  considers             used to them.
                       to be a role model or a
                       film    and    television         3.  Social Causes

                       character.                        •  Friends       and      the
                                                            environment  in  which
                   2.  Physical Causes                      the teenager lives.
                   •  The  teenager's  body              •  Family     disintegration

                      accepts  everything  that             and lack of care for the
                      is new and makes it part              teenager  or  attention  to
                      of its components.                    his/her actions, activities
                                                            and actions.
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