Page 133 - Pure Life 28
P. 133
132 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 129-150, Autumn 2021
This state may occur in saying and they postponed the
some adolescents who suffer action - that is, they delayed it.
from a complexity of They are various groups and
incompetence and lack of self- sects who differed determining
confidence which often happens the meaning of faith.
to adolescents who have been This hadith emphasizes the
denied proper education in initiative by the parents in the
childhood. Hence, parents bear sense that they have to take
the great responsibility to lay responsibility for the education
the foundations of right that imam called talking to
education since childhood them and instilling principles
before the child is influenced and values before the teenager
by deviant beliefs that stray drifts with misguided and
from the right path. misguiding currents. At this
Imam Sadiq was quoted as saying: stage, they either guide the
“Hasten to your children children to the right path or
to speak before The they will be misled by several
Murji’ah precedes you”. reasons, including educational,
(Kulayni, 1990, V. 6: 47) psychological, physical and
social. Some of them may
Al-Irja’ in language: delay, resort to addiction, which is a
and in technical terms delaying case of behavioral disorder.
the action and taking it out of An addict gets used to a
the reality of faith. Ibn Kathir kind of drug, for example, and
said in explaining the reason finds pleasure and imagines
for calling the Murji’ah by this that it is a kind of treatment
name. It was said Murji’ah that relieves him even though
because they put forward the